Be a State Park Hero: VOLUNTEER!
State Park Volunteers Lead Tours and HikesShare their Love of NatureConnect the Past to the FuturePreserve Ancient Cultures Celebrate Nature through ArtParticipate in Parades, Fairs, Festivals & Special EventsAnd meet Wonderful People from the Antelope ValleyAnd from all Around the World!
Want to meet great people from all around the world? Want to share your love of nature and history? Do you enjoy the company of friendly and dedicated people? Then consider becoming a state park volunteer!
Training Days have been scheduled for 2024 for the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve
Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park. Details Below:
Tomo-Kahni State HIstoric Park Volunteer Training Days are February 15 and 22.
To register, contact California State Park Interpreter Mike Deagon
Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve Volunteer Training days are February 1 and 8 .
Quotes from volunteers:"The time I have spent as a volunteer has been fascinating. It is amazing how many people from all over the world come to the Antelope Valley to view our state flower, the California Poppy and the many other native wildflowers that bloom at the Poppy Reserve."Jim, volunteer for over 25 years
"I have volunteered at other places that were very enjoyable but demanded a huge time commitment. Here, I love that I’m constantly learning new facts about local plants and animals but it is also great that this commitment is only for 2 months every year and that I can choose the days I volunteer. I also love walking the trails and talking to all of our wonderful visitors."Sandi, volunteer for 5 years
"I have volunteered at other places that were very enjoyable but demanded a huge time commitment. Here, I love that I’m constantly learning new facts about local plants and animals but it is also great that this commitment is only for 2 months every year and that I can choose the days I volunteer. I also love walking the trails and talking to all of our wonderful visitors."Sandi, volunteer for 5 years