Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve S.N.R.
The Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve is now open for day use. Through May 14, the Jane Pinheiro Visitor Center is open 9-5 on weekends and 10 - 4 during the week. For the latest conditions: view the live POPPYCAM What else can you do?
1. View videos of the Poppy Reserve on the State Park Poppy Reserve YouTube Channel and be sure to subscribe!
2. Support the Poppy Reserve by making a donation to PRMDIA's designated for the Poppy Reserve and/or become a member. To donate or join, click on SUPPORT
3. Follow the Poppy Reserve on Facebook for the latest information.4. Call the Wildflower Hotline (661) 724-11805. Take the cell phone tour from the comfort of your computer (under construction): Cell Phone Tour6. Have some POPPY FUN! Download the poppy coloring page, includes poppy facts too. Links are below on the left along with other information about plants, animals and history.
7. View a video about the Poppy Reserve (link below)
8. And you can Volunteer!
9. View Antelope Valley Wildflowers by Families
10. View Jane Pinheiro Collection Online
Park Publications
Poppy Reserve Brochure
Poppy Reserve Trail Map
For Kids and Classrooms
Jr. Ranger Guide
Two Page Coloring Page with Information
Birds of the Poppy Reserve
Birding Apps and Birding in the AV
Side-Blotched Lizard
20th Century History of the Poppy Reserve
Poppies by Milt Stark
Owens Valley Aqueduct & Western A.V.
The Great Poppy Lady
Who Was Jane Pinheiro?
Story of a Dream
A State Park Champion
State Park Staff & Volunteers
Support PRMDIA's projects at the Poppy Reserve! Make a tax deductible donation by visiting our Support page or by using the link below:
Poppy Reserve October 27, 2022
The Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve was established to protect outstanding displays of native wildflowers, particularly the California Poppy, Eschscholzia californica, the state flower. The 1800 acre State Reserve, nestled in the Antelope Buttes 15 miles west of Lancaster, California, is located on California’s most consistent poppy-bearing land. Other wildflowers including owl’s clover, lupine, goldfields, cream cups, and coreopsis, share the desert grassland to produce a mosaic of color and fragrance each spring. As nature is of course unpredictable, the intensity and duration of the wildflower bloom varies yearly. Seven miles of trails, including a paved section for wheelchair access, wind gently through the wildflower fields.
Poppy Reserve, April 2022 Photo courtesy of Lynn DuPratt

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The Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve on
Wild Gardens